۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۲۶, دوشنبه

بهترين لحظات زندگي

To fall in love
عاشق شدن

To laugh until it hurts your stomach.
انقدر بخندي كه دلت درد بگيره

To find mails by the thousands when you return from a vacation.
بعد از اينكه از مسافرت برگشتي ببيني هزار تا ايميل داري

To go for a vacation to some pretty place.
براي مسافرت به يك جاي خوشگل بري

To listen to your favorite song in the radio.
به آهنگ مورد علاقت از راديو گوش بدي

To go to bed and to listen while it rains outside.
به رختخواب بري و به صداي بارش بارون گوش بدي

To leave the Shower and find that the towel is warm

از حموم كه اومدي بيرون ببيني حو له ات گرمه !

To clear your last exam.
آخرين امتحانت رو پاس كني

To receive a call from someone, you don't see a lot, but you want to.
كسي كه معمولا زياد نمي بينيش ولي دلت مي خواد ببينيش بهت تلفن كنه

To find money in a pant that you haven't used since last year.
توي شلواري كه تو سال گذشته ازش استفاده نمي كردي پول پيدا كني

To laugh at yourself looking at mirror, making faces.

براي خودت تو آينه شكلك در بياري و بهش بخندي !!!

Calls at midnight that last for hours.
تلفن نيمه شب داشته باشي كه ساعتها هم طول بكشه

To laugh without a reason.
بدون دليل بخندي

To accidentally hear somebody say something good about you.
بطور تصادفي بشنوي كه يك نفر داره از شما تعريف مي كنه

To wake up and realize it is still possible to sleep for a
couple of hours.
از خواب پاشي و ببيني كه چند ساعت ديگه هم مي توني بخوابي !

To hear a song that makes you remember a special person.
آهنگي رو گوش كني كه شخص خاصي رو به ياد شما مي ياره

To be part of a team.
عضو يك تيم باشي

To watch the sunset from the hill top.
از بالاي تپه به غروب خورشيد نگاه كني

To make new friends.
دوستاي جديد پيدا كني

To feel butterflies! In the stomach every time that you see that person.
وقتي "اونو" ميبينيد دلت هري بريزه پايين !

To pass time with your best friends.
لحظات خوبي رو با دوستانت سپري كني

To see people that you like, feeling happy.
كساني رو كه دوستشون داري رو خوشحال ببيني

See an old friend again and to feel that the things have not changed.
يه دوست قديمي رو دوباره ببينيد و ببينيد كه فرقي نكرده

To take an evening walk along the beach.
عصر كه شد كنار ساحل قدم بزني

To have somebody tell you that he/she loves you.
يكي رو داشته باشي كه بدونيد دوستت داره

To laugh .......laugh. .......and laugh ...... remembering stupid
things done with stupid friends.
يادت بياد كه دوستاي احمقت چه كارهاي احمقانه اي كردند و بخندي و
بخندي و ....... باز هم بخندي

These are the best moments of life....
اينها بهترين لحظه‌هاي زندگي هستند

Let us learn to cherish them.
قدرشون رو بدونيم

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed"
زندگي يك مشكل نيست كه بايد حلش كرد بلكه يك هديه است كه بايد ازش لذت برد ...

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